Magic Pets Wiki

Clear Clearing

Also known as the Tutorial Area. It's the First Area you encounter outside of your Camp.

Magic Pets Found Here: Scruffolf | Rosebud | Vox

Boss In Area: Cactuff

Majestic Meadows

The Second Area with a Branchorn Statue.

15 Wood 100 Gold 4 SaltBrick 4 Honeycone Gold-jelly

Magic Pets Found Here: CumuloSheepish | Sunsong | Chikotree | Scruffolf | Vox | Honeyball

Rare Pets: Blink | Hareflare

Boss In Area: Woodrow

Jubilant Jungles

The Third Area with a Wingaurd Statue.

35 Wood 200 Gold 4 Pinered 4 Pineblue Jill-jelly

Magic Pets Found Here: Porcroast | Kettlephant | Beetle Bruiser | Slizzle | Spiggot | Vox | Rosebud | Chikotree | Scruffolf | Greedy Gust

Rare Pets: Fangplume | Venoclaw

Boss In Area: Scorchion

Bumbling Bramble

The Fourth Area with a Well Wellness Well.

50 Grass 300 Gold 4 File:Gold Glowberry 4 File:Pinegrape Apple-jelly

Magic Pets Found Here: Crabcrystals | Volcamo | Coral Clamp | Greedy Gust | Rosebud | Scruffolf | Vox | Chikotree | Honeyball

Rare Pets: Dryad | Floodhound

Boss In Area: Caw

Frolicking Forest

The Fifth Area with a Hovel.

50 Stone 400 Gold 4 File:Green Starberry.png 4 File:Pinelime.png Mint-jelly

Magic Pets Found Here: Fyrger | Aqualine | Jitterbug | Dug | Vox | Scruffolf | Honeyball | Chikotree | Rosebud

Rare Pets: Bad Chili | Tadslow

Boss In Area: Venompuff

Radiant Rise

The Sixth Area with a .

50 Wood 500 Gold 4 File:Orange Glowberry.png 4 File:Orange Starberry.png Orange-jelly

Magic Pets Found Here: Hedgehog | Flute Shell | Petalmane | Scowl | Scruffolf | Kettlephant | Chikotree | Vox | Rosebud

Rare Pets: Cindeer | Frostburr

Boss In Area: Flyon

Sullen Soils

The Seventh Area with a .

100 Grass 600 Gold 4 File:Astroluna Berry.png 4 File:Fire Cone.png Blue-jelly

Magic Pets Found Here: Fuzzbat | Flameguin | Thistlewhomp | Hammerclaw | Vox | Chikotree | Rosebud | Kettlephant | Scruffolf

Rare Pets: Dash | Falewhail

Boss In Area: Mantle

Slippery Swamp

The Eighth Area hasn't been released in game yet.
